Sardonic Salad with Chad Isely and Kit Lowrance

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One day I was clicking through some comics on an internet site and came across a cartoon about Ronald McDonald and his hidden “gothic” identity. I immediately cracked up and had to find out more of the cartoonists work. I left a reply under the comic saying I loved the humor, and it wasn’t long after that I became friends with one of the creators.  I would like to introduce to you a little of the humor I found that day. Sardonic Salad is a one panel comic written and drawn by Chad Isely and Kit Lowrance and everything is open game to their humor. I asked Chad and Kit if I could feature them on Don’t Pick the Flowers blog (and they said yes) so with great pleasure I present to you “Sardonic Salad”.

David: You have some very funny yet sarcastic comics. Tell me about Sardonic Salad comics and who is involved.
Chad: Although unnamed at the time, Sardonic Salad started ten years ago as a collaboration between myself and Kit Lowrance. Our goal initially was to win  prize money by entering (and hopefully winning..) a cartoon contest sponsored by a local weekly paper. We took second place, which was enough incentive to keep entering contests. We never won one, but came close each time. After a 7 year hiatus, we decided to give it another go, named our comic, and started submitting to editors.

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Kit: We’ve both really enjoyed the process of doing these over the last few years, especially. It’s always interesting to look back at some of our earlier work and see how we’ve changed as we’ve learned a bit more about what makes a good comic that people enjoy.
David: Sardonic Salad is a team effort. Who does the writing and who does the art work?
Chad: Kit does about 95% of the writing, and when I have ideas, I usually run them by Kit for inputand fine tuning.  I do the drawing.
Kit: There have also been a handful of times when Chad has had some good ideas for the art, and he’ll send it to me and say, “Hey, I need a caption.” Those are interesting, too.
David: How do you go about writing your comics and coming up with ideas?

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Chad: I typically don’t have to… which is a great benefit of collaborating. If an idea comes to me, I draw it, but I don’t have to depend on myself to come up with content. I have the luxury of sitting back and seeing what comes out of Kit’s delightfully twisted mind. From my standpoint, it’s quite liberating. All the fun of drawing, with none of the stress of writers block!

Kit: It’s interesting to hear Chad describe his role that way, because I can’t draw anything beyond stick figures, but I’ve usually got an idea or two cooking, and am always really pleased with what Chad does with the 2 or 3 lines of text I send him, and how he represents it visually. As far as where the ideas come from, I draw a lot of inspiration from idioms, or what some things might look like if they were taken to their most extreme conclusions. The ability to assign human characteristics to inanimate objects allows us to be pretty unrestricted in terms of the subject matter we cover.

David: Who are some of your cartooning hero’s and inspirations?

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Chad: Bill Watterson is at the top of that list for sure. Ever since getting my hands on The Essential Calvin and Hobbes treasury as a kid, I’ve been hooked on cartoons. Soon after I discovered the work of Gary Larson, a man who has done much to warp my sense of humor. I think certain aspects of my drawing style have been influenced by the late Belgium cartoonist Herge, who’s  Tintin comics are still a favorite of mine.  One last cartoonist I’d add is, Ryan Pagelow, who is starting to get some much deserved attention for his dark comic, buni. Seeing his hard work paying off is something that inspires me on a whole different level.
Kit: Yeah, I’d definitely have to agree with Gary Larson. I also appreciate Graham Roumieu’s books.I’m a big fan of minimalist art & humor, where you don’t have to read a whole narrative to get the story.
David: What are your future goals and plans with Sardonic Salad?

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Chad: Our focus used to primarily be getting established in print media. These days print media is drying up quickly, and so are many of the old oppurtunities for cartoonists. We have switched our focus to the internet, and are working hard to find, and fill our niche. Exactly where and what that is, isanyone’s guess, but I’m sure we’ll stumble into it sooner or later. In the meantime, if we make a few people laugh, and sell a t-shirt or two, we’re going to count it a success.

Kit: We’ve talked a lot about what we’d like to do with Sardonic Salad and where we’d like to see it go, but we also both really value the ideas of creative control and being able to produce new material at our own pace, so preserving those will likely continue to be quite important to us, whichever path we end up taking.

David: Thank you for talking with me and being featured. I love your sense of  humor and style, keep up the great work. I expect to see great things from you both and I can’t wait to see what’s next on the horizon.
For more of Sardonic Salad check out their website:
and join the Sardonic Salad Facebook fanpage:

About David Hurley

as the creator of Don't Pick The Flowers...
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