October has come and gone and it’s time to share my sketches from this years #inktober on Don’t Pick the Flowers Blog. These will not be new if you follow me via social media. I didn’t follow the prompts given out, and went with my own sketches and ideas. So let’s get started, with explanations under the sketches. Click on the images to see them better.

Top Left: My Day 1 introductory drawing for #inktober 2017. Top Right: This was Day two and a sad day. A mass shooting in Las Vegas and the death of Tom Petty. It was hard to put a drawing in place for this one. Bottom Left: Day three a drawing of The Crow. Bottom Right: Day four and I went to see The XX in concert. Not the best sketch of the bassist of The XX, Oliver. That was a busy day.

Top Left: A quick sketch of Harrison Ford, my anticipation to see Blade Runner 2049 was getting the best of me. Top Right: A long day at work for me on Day 6. A very quick sketch of ghosts from work . Bottom Left: I called this one Spongeday Addams. Bottom Right: Well, a smoking Unicorn.

Top Left: Nosferatu Scream. Top Right: “There’s A Starman Waiting In The Sky . . . ” Bottom Left: Watch out for The Raven, Poe Worm. Bottom Right: Lucy van Pelt turns into a werewolf.

Top Left: Micky gets in on the action for Friday the 13th. Top Right: A sketch of my nieces wedding cake. Bottom Left: You know I have to draw my favorite singer from my favorite band, Robert Smith of The Cure. Bottom Right: Another favorite musician and singer, Danny Elfman.
Alright, until next week with Part 2 of #inktober 2017!