Welcome to “Don’t Pick the Flowers”!

Don’t Pick the Flowers is a small community of characters I’ve discovered. created, and continue learning about! I would like to take you here, for now, on Mondays with a new comic and on Thursdays for a blog/interview. As time passes, hopefully we can visit here daily! As you can imagine it takes a lot of time to put one strip together. So stay tuned as this progresses!

Several years ago I started working on the comic strip and the last couple it’s gone in this direction. So now I figured it was time to actually start sharing it.

The first “comic strip” introduces Vincent, his little sister Suzanne, and Duck his waterfowl sidekick. They live in a small town called “Flowerville”. One of the hardest things for me to do was to figure out how to start the story. How do I “open” the door of this world? Then Vincent walked through the front door. Vincent is a loveable character who breaks the rules with his sidekick Duck. Suzanne is sweet and needs a little order in her life!

You will meet a lot of characters on these pages in the future, so keep your eyes open as the story unfolds!

About David Hurley

as the creator of Don't Pick The Flowers...
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