From the Sketchbook

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This week I’ve picked some sketches to post at Don’t Pick the Flowers blog.

Top Left: For fun I was playing around with Copic pens and coloring pencils. Suzanne is feeling the effects of the weather.

Top Right: It’s been a while since I have worked with watercolors so I tried my hand with them again, this is what I came up with.

Bottom Left: A sketch of Suzanne with chalk pastels.

Bottom Right: A sketch of Vincent Clarke (Depeche Mode, Yazoo, Erasure). A little know fact, my character Vincent’s name was taken from the legendary Vince Clarke.

I hope you’ve enjoyed looking at the sketches I’ve been doing recently. It’s always good to have your hands busy keeping, learning, and developing art skills.

Below: And here’s one more, a sketch of Elizabeth Frasier (Cocteau Twins). I have loved the ethereal sound of the Cocteau Twins and Elizabeth’s voice for many years. So as a warm-up sketch I wanted to reproduce her. Cheers! David


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Extras and Sketches

This week on Don’t Pick the Flowers blog, I thought I would post a couple of extra “comics” I published via social media, plus a look at my random sketches and doodles. My sketches are drawn with tools, from cheap coloring pencils to Copic pens. When I’m sketching, I’m not trying to make a masterpiece, in general. Rather, I am playing around seeing what I can do or a subject I think would be neat to try to reproduce. I hope you enjoy a look inside of my sketchbook, which is always a good place to spend my extra time.

Two winter extras: On the left Duck as a snowman, and on the right Snow Bob (Robert Smith of The Cure as a snowman).

Two winter extras: On the left Duck as a snowman, and on the right Snow Bob (Robert Smith of The Cure as a snowman).

From my sketchbook. Top left: Abominable Snowman from Looney Toons (my version). Top Right: Dr Finkelstein (Nightmare Before Christmas), Bottom left: Suzanne (pastels), Bottom right: My ink sketch version of Edward Scissorhands.

From my sketchbook. Top left: Abominable Snowman from Looney Toons (my version). Top Right: Dr Finkelstein (Nightmare Before Christmas), Bottom left: Suzanne (pastels), Bottom right: My ink sketch version of Edward Scissorhands.


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Social Media Posts 3

This is part 3 of Social Media posts which have been a review of extra comics I’ve placed on places like Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, GooglePlus, Pinterest, etc to add a little flavor for the viewer. They deserve a home besides being out there in cyberspace. Some are better than others, but they were all fun to create. Below I will give a description of each.


Click on image to enlarge (then zoom in).


Top left: Vincent and Suzanne have been “ducked”, a new meaning to Duck Face.

Top Center: 4th of July art with Duck.

Top Left: Fall/Thanksgiving promo with Suzanne.

Middle Left: Suzanne and Duck on a bench with a quote from Carol Burnett.

Middle Center: Happy Thanksgiving promo with Don’t Pick the Flowers.

Center Right: Halloween promo with Duck in his “Ghost” costume.

Bottom Left: One of my favorites, Suzanne in a Spacecraft.

Bottom Center: The gang as Bobbleheads.

Bottom Right: Edward Duck (Duck as Edward Scissorhands).

I hope you enjoy these, if you would like larger images to view, check Don’t Pick the Flowers Facebook fanpage or Don’t Pick the Flowers on Tumblr where you will see the extras posted first.


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Social Media Posts 2

This is part 2 of “Social Media” posts, and these designs have been placed on various social media sites as extras for Don’t Pick the Flowers. One has Carol from “Where the Wild Things Are”, and was received particularly well on Pinterest. Folks love Where the Wild things are and it does make a great pin. In this group, I used quotes that I enjoyed and thought it added impact and even inspiration for the drawings. I hope you enjoy these and there will be more extras to come, so stay “tooned”. And like I said in the last post, it’s good to have them nice and tidy right here at Don’t Pick the Flowers blog.



Top Left: Suzanne quoting Jean Cocteau.

Top Right: A quote from Maurice Sendak featuring his character, Carol.

Bottom Left: Duck with a quote from Lewis Carroll.

Bottom Right: Duck as a Hobbit and a quote from The Fellowship of the Ring (The Lord of the Rings) from J. R. R. Tolkien.

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Social Media Posts

Once again, it looks like I have been late with blog posts. I guess in one way that is a good thing as the comics themselves are the most important thing. So to remedy part of that, I would like to share artwork I have done for Don’t Pick the Flowers via social media such as Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Pinterest, etc. These drawings deserve a home besides flying around the internet and of course, that would be here. I will try to post more of these as I do them and keep the blog updated. That would seem the most logical thing and besides, not many people want to look at a 4-month-old blog post. So, here we go artwork from months past with more to come.

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Top Left: The gang with Jack Skellington from Halloween 2013.

Top Right: Duck with Woodstock, this was used on the Don’t Pick the Flowers Facebook fanpage.

Bottom Left: This image was used on various Social Networks as an extra for Don’t Pick the Flowers.

Bottom Right: An extra used on Don’t Pick the Flowers Facebook fanpage with a quote from Walt Disney.

I try and post extras on the Don’t Pick the Flowers fanpage when I can. If you would like to keep up with the extras, please click the “like” button and follow along.

DPTF FB Fanpage:




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