Hello and welcome to Part 1 of my drawings from #inktober 2016. I will post the rest of the drawings next week. This is my third year participating in #inktober, and things did get a little hectic with my work schedule. As you will see, some of the drawings are more detailed than others. But none the less I wanted to participate every day and I am proud that I was actually able to do it all the way through. Of course with #inktober there are no rules, you didn’t have to post every day. I was glad to see anyone post at what rate they could. Life gets busy at times. Also, I didn’t follow the “prompt” list. If you want to find it just look up “Jake Parker #inktober”.
So here is the first 16 days of #inktober.

Top Left: My take on David Byrne as Frankenstein. Top Right: Annie Lennox as a Vampire. Bottom Left: My drawing of two monsters dancing. Bottom Right: A drawing of Emma Thompson as Karen Eiffel from the movie Stranger Than Fiction.

Top Left: Danny Elfman, dancing. Top Right: A sketch of Nicolas Cage as H.I. McDunnough and Holly Hunter as Ed McDunnough from the movie Raising Arizona.Bottom Left: My sketch of Ravens flying. Bottom Right: My take of Edgar Allan Poe and the Raven.

Top Left: My sketch of Vincent Price and I added Kermit the Frog (yes like those famous pictures and videos you see every where). Top Right: My sketch of Elvira. Bottom Left: My crazy and hurried sketch of Gary Oldman as Dracula. Bottom Right: My take on a monster enjoying Candy Corn.

Top Left: My little fuzzy monsters. Top Right: The Cheshire Cat (at this point you can see things were getting hectic). Bottom Left: Another quick one, Tim Burton. Bottom Right: My little tired monster.
And there you have Part 1 of my #inktober drawings. Some of these I am really proud of and the others, like I said, I am proud to have sketched something. Hope you enjoy the drawings, until next week . . . keep drawing! David