Tag Archives: fun

Jim Horwitz

Jim Horwitz, creator of the non-IBM “Watson.” Jim Horwitz is the creator of the comic strip “Watson,” a strip about a talking dog who reads the newspaper and a little boy who loves texting. The premise of the strip is … Continue reading

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The Cartoonist Studio Contest!

David Hurley and Joe Watson have decided to enter “Don’t Pick the Flowers” into The Cartoonist Studio contest. We’ve taken the Dear Family from the Web comic and put them into their own story. There are back stories to the … Continue reading

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Scott Lincoln: The Anti-Villain?

Scott Lincoln is the creator of “Ralf the Destroyer”, a mischievous “anti-villain”. You may be wondering what an anti-villain is, and Scott explains it is a villain who can’t help but being good. And it causes Ralf a lot of … Continue reading

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John Sanford: The Chippy and Loopus story

John Sanford is a hilarious man. He works as a story artist at DreamWorks and has an impressive resume with Disney, Sony, and Pixar. He also has a web comic called “Chippy and Loopus” which he says “has naughty words, … Continue reading

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Colin Upton

Colin Upton has worked in small press comics for over 25 years and been published by Fantagraphics and Aeon. He is passionate about the study of history and telling stories using the language of comics. He calls himself the grand … Continue reading

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