What’s Been Going on at Don’t Pick the Flowers

#3It has been a while since I last posted a blog, due to updating Don’t Pick the Flowers website and making changes with my characters. I believe everything is coming together and I wanted to let you know what has been going on behind the scenes over the last few months.

To start with, this very month of August marks 3 years since I started publishing comics on-line at Don’t Pick the Flowers. There have been many changes, mistakes and growth along the way; lets call it a learning experience. Now I have come full circle with the main characters, Suzanne, Vincent and Duck. They are the core group of characters that have been there from the start. There was a period I added too many characters and went off on paths with little direction, trying to find my way. I have heard the first year of making comics is the hardest trying to figure out how and what to do, and with me, well maybe even a little longer. But to give you a little insight, back in February of this year I#6 went to “Success in the World of Comics” Seminar and was fortunate to have my portfolio reviewed by Amy Lago of The Washington Post Writers Group. I am grateful to her as she helped me refocus and start anew with the original characters, plus I cannot thank Donna A Lewis of Reply All Comic for sage advice in the refocusing.

With that in mind, I have removed the comics and characters that were out of place. That is a lot of work and comics, 2 ½ years not shown, but a few I did keep that are in the spirit of the comic. Again, I will say it has been a learning experience and possibly one day those comics will emerge again in a book, digital download or whatever technology gives us. I want Don’t Pick the Flowers to have a fresh, clean and focused direction and with the website in good working order, from comics to design, and I am happy with what is taking place.

#24I am still making a few adjustments on the website and as always growing as I update the comics on a regular basis. I truly appreciate all those who have come along for the journey thus far. Believe me there has been blood, sweet and tears with joy and contentment as I do the thing I love to do, making comics. I do hope to welcome new readers and keep the ones who love my little world of characters. Here is to the future as I continue to learn and grow with my characters, and I hope to bring a smile to your face as I do just that.

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Bearman Cartoons: Annual Charity Auction

BearmanIf you have been around webcomic circles, more than likely you have heard of “Bearman Cartoons”. As most cartoonist do, Bearman uses social networks like Facebook and Twitter to promote his work and has really embraced Google+ giving the other networks a run for their money with sharing, comments and of course +1’s (makes us all want to head that direction). And the beautiful part is the public loves his work especially with his most recent caricature of Charles Ramsey. In the month of May, Bearman is having his annual Cartoon Charity Challenge so let us go behind the scenes and ask some questions about his art and worthy cause. 

David: Hello Bearman, thank you for being featured at Don’t Pick the Flowers. To start with, how did you become involved with comics and what is Bearman Comics all about?

I used to draw as a kid for fun.  When I went to college for my Business degree, I needed a few more hours so I took a beginning drawing class.  It was taught by a grad student who was awful and I never took another art class again.  Fast forward years later and I was following a local Cincinnati blog.   One day a cartoon idea came into my head and I asked the guy who ran the site if he would post it.  This was my very first cartoon I drew in 2005: www.flickr.com/photos/bearmancartoons/3084059913/

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Since then I went out on my own in 2008 and started beartoons.com first on wordpress and then one my own hosted site.   It has also expanded beyond political cartoons to include pop culture and anything else that runs through my mind at the time.   A few months ago, I gave up my rigid Sunday/Wednesday posting schedule and it has freed me to take more risks with my art such as this caricature of Peter Dinklage from Game of Thrones.


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Something completely outside my normal style.   Also, it allows me to react more quickly to news of the day.  My latest cartoon would never have been successful if I waited for a regularly scheduled posting.  It blew up on Google Plus and Facebook (I have never got any traction on Facebook prior).


David: Over the last few years, you have held an online Cartoon Charity,and donated a good deal of money. Can you share details of the Charity and how we the fans can help in your cause?

Sure all the details for this year’s Challenge are at beartoons.com/2013/04/30/bearman-cartoons-charity-challenge-2013.   I am very

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fortunate to live in a household where both my wife and I work (outside my cartooning).   I know there are people out there that can’t afford to donate to charity so I wanted to create something where they could get involved.  So during the month of May I will donate money to three charities for every time someone does one of the tasks in the list.  Things such as paying $1 for every new Google Plus follower I get or for webcartoonists putting my green haired avatar somewhere in their webcomic during the month. Here is a sample of some of them from 2012:


David: What are the comics you enjoy reading, and who are some of your cartooning heroes?

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There are tons.  When I first started out, I thought I was the only one doing it.  The first two comic guys I came across were Nate Fakes of Break of Day and George Ford of AddanacCity.  Those guys encouraged me even when I thought my stuff was really crap and I appreciated it.  Since then I continue to find great cartoonists all the time.   I am drawn to humor versus dark stories or long story arcs.  The exception is Aidan Casserly’s Scapula.  He has long story arcs but each one is a mini humor comic in itself so he keeps you engaged.   Sadly, because there are so many I follow I can’t hit them all anymore but I try to check in as much as I can.

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David: What is your favorite thing about being a cartoonist, “why do you do what you do”?

Attention!!!  Haha.  Seriously it is a creative release for me but I love the attention that some of my stuff draws whether on my site or social media.   I like it when someone tells me my work is cool or funny.  Beyond that, I am a lifelong learner who always is looking for new skills.  Because of cartooning, I learned about Photoshop, setting up and running a blog, social media, etc.  All are skills I can take to my day job.

David: What are your future goals with Bearman Cartoons and what can we expect in the future?

I have been doing more and more caricatures so eventually I would like to really put a push to build that business.  I also have two books in my head I want to write.  One I plan to illustrate and the other I have someone in mind but I don’t know if I can afford him.   Time will tell.  The beauty of not having recurring characters or a set schedule is that I get to do what I want and thankfully, there are people willing to take that ride with me.  I truly appreciate all the support I receive.

David: Great, I hope you are able to build your caricature business, plus write and illustrate those books. I look forward to that as some many others do. And good luck with the Charity Challenge, I know it will be a success again this year. Thanks again for stopping by Don’t Pick the Flowers and sharing your art and humor.

And for all those not connected to Bearman Comics, click on the links below and follow him!

Bearman Cartoons: beartoons.com

Twitter: twitter.com/bearmancartoons

Google+: plus.google.com/103857459148999991693/posts

Facebook: www.facebook.com/Beartoons


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Fan Art: Mark Stokes and Justin Hillgrove


Duck and Gorr by Mark Stokes
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Last night I was pleasantly surprised to receive fan art in my inbox from one of my favorite Cartoonists Mark Stokes of Zombie Boy Comics. Mark drew my character Duck with his humorous character Gorr, Zombie Boys dog and sidekick. I will be receiving the original in the mail soon, so check social networks in the future for a snapshot, which will be framed as soon as I get it. Check out Mark Stokes and Zombie Boy at www.zombieboycomics.com


Duck by Justin Hillgrove

Duck by Justin Hillgrove
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While I am at it, some time ago I received another drawing from Justin Hillgrove of Imps and Monsters, which I have never posted here at Don’t Pick the Flowers. Justin is another favorite artist of mine and he drew my character Duck. Justin is a fantastic Artist and you can find more of Justin’s brilliant art at www.impsandmonsters.com


I really cherish these drawings, and if you would be interested in sharing your fan art here at Don’t Pick the Flowers message me at dontpicktheflowers@gmail.com.

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Fan Art for other Comic Creators

This week I wanted to post and archive fan art I have done for other cartoonists. These images have not been shown on Don’t Pick the Flowers blog but on the respected creator’s websites. Click on the links to visit each Cartoonists  websites and see their fantastic comics.     


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One of my favorite comics is “Legend of Bill” by David Reddick. David has a Halloween fan art challenge where you submit your work of one his characters and he showcases it on his site. For 2011 I did this drawing of me dressed as Frank.






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Again for 2012 I created another image for David and his Halloween challenge. This time I used Frank the dragon but his time dressed up like a Vampire (knowing that David is a big fan of Vampires). You can check out Legend of Bill at legendofbill.com                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   






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Another one of my favorite comics is Pinkerton by Mike Witmer. He also does a Halloween challenge and I did this one for him last year. Check out Pinkerton at: www.gocomics.com/pinkerton







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Dawn Griffin is the creator of the hilarious comic Zorphbert and Fred about two aliens who come to earth disguised as dogs. Dawn’s hilarious comic can be found at: www.zfcomics.com








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Zombie Boy is another favorite comic of mine and I did this for his site using his character Zombie Boy and my character Duck. Check out Mark Stokes site at:  www.zombieboycomics.com






While I’m at it, I thought I would add a couple of more comics I’ve done for fun. This first is of Vincent Price (four colorful versions).


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And last, my cartoon version of an alien from Mars Attacks (Tim Burton version).








And as they say that’s all folks! Hope you enjoyed the artwork and you enjoy your visit to the websites I’ve done the artwork for.  David Hurley                                   

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Comics and Art of Robert Smith Part 2

I wanted to finish up posting artwork/fan art I’ve done of Robert Smith of The Cure in blog #2. I do want to clear up one thing while I’m at it. In the last blog post I mentioned CureConnections (truly one of my favorite sites), has been closed down. Without going into detail about this (I’m sure you can google it), there is a new site started by the members now called The Cure Community. If you are a fan of The Cure please check it out right here: thecurecommunity.freeforums.net

Now on to more fan art I’ve done of Robert Smith, The Cure (the good and the bad).  

TheKissFinalThis image was used at CureConnections as a digital download in an ebook called “Trilogy Effect”. Many members used their fantastic art to represent different songs from “Trilogy” DVD Concert. Only one artwork was used for each song. Here is my version of the song “The Kiss”.




2MaybeSomedayI also chose the song “Maybe Someday” for “Trilogy Effect”. Here is the artwork.







BirthdayBobThis was also used at CureConnections in a thread for Robert Smiths Birthday.







HalloweenBobUsed at CureConnections for a Halloween thread.







SantaBobIt’s Santa Bob for Christmas.







STBOBFINALUsed at CureConnections for St Patrick’s Day thread.







It'sRobertSmithIt’s Robert Smith, this was used here at Don’t Pick the Flowers as a comic when The Cure performed The Reflections concerts (like I said, the good and the bad). I used this to finish up my long gone “martian” series.






BobNewYearHappy New Year from Bob. I initially did this as fan art for The Cure fans and put in a fan art threat at CureConnections.







KrustyRobertSmithOne of my favorite characters from The Simpsons is Krusty the Clown. I made “Krusty Robert” for fun.







ValentineBobI made this image for a couple of friends of mine for Valentine’s Day who are both big fans of The Cure (if you both see this, you know who you are).







robertsmithavatarThe avatar I used as a member of CureConnections.







And there you have it, my Robert Smith fan art collection. There are other sketches here and there but I figure these are the one’s to post. I hope you enjoyed them, I told you there were a lot of them. Here’s to my favorite band The Cure, maybe I will do more in the future.

Cheers, David








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