Craig Felker: Heart of a Saint

 Hearts of Saints have been touring across the United States from New York to Texas. They’ve been getting great press in England and Europe and selling albums all over the world. Not bad for their first album and for a band from my home town Paducah, Kentucky! They are on the Top 10 download list at with their song “The Secret”, who they share the list with super bands like Black Crowes, Moby, Alkaline Trio, and Underworld. Their sound has been compared to the likes of The Killers and Old School U2. Craig Felker is the lead vocalist of Hearts of Saints. He is one of the most genuine people you’ll ever meet. I’ve been friends with Craig for a number of years now and I’m proud to have an interview showcasing him and his band Hearts of Saints!

David: Who is your greatest influence musically and what are some of the Artists you are listening to right now?

Craig: U2 because they are so innovative and everything they have to say is relevant. Their music has hope and Bono is a great front man, and what a legacy they’ve left behind!

And right now I’m listening to Phil Wickham, Switchfoot, Needtobreathe, Muse, and Paper Route.
David: If you could make a record with any person/band, who would that be?

Craig: Jon Foreman (Switchfoot), Brandon Flowers (The Killers), Avett Brothers, and The Edge (U2). I love the raw honesty of Jon Foreman and The Avett Brothers, melodies and electronic sounds of The Killers, and the guitar of The Edge. If you could put them all together the sound would be unbelievable! I love bands that play and entertain!
David: You and the band have toured across the United States, and getting press in England/Europe, selling albums all over the world and gaining a mass following. How has that affected your personal life?

Craig: As a guy who is married, there are moments when you lose humility. We played a show for 2,000 kids in Texas and then played at a camp for about 75 kids. With the entertainment business there are highs and lows, but my wife keeps me grounded and it’s not always glamorous when you’re staying in Hotel 6’s.
David: You have a very positive personality and message in your music. Hearts of Saints are a young band, where do you see the future going with H.O.S.? Can you see yourself playing together for 30 years?

Craig: I hope so; we’ve been together for 5 years now. We have all sacrificed so much to do this. It’s a lot of hard work, and we hope to leave a legacy. I hope our music becomes a part of people’s lives. We are in it for the long hall. I hope we have the privilege to do it. It’s more than a desire, we hope the people allow it and keep listening!
David: And one of my fun and favorite questions…what would you consider the greatest comic strip/cartoon ever made? And how can you identify with the character(s)?

Craig: Donald Duck! As a child I loved him. He is always getting into trouble and running his mouth. I can identify with him because he has the best intentions but it’s always getting him into trouble So with that I want to be seen as real and authentic, because I’m not perfect in any way, shape, or form.

Thank you so much for taking the time to answer some questions Craig! Good luck with everything that is ahead! Congratulations on the success and achievements so far! And definitely loving the music! Hearts of Saints are on the Revolution Art (Provident/Sony) Music label and here’s their website:

Copyright David Hurley 2010

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Ron English

Ron English is considered one of the fathers of modern street art. He coined the term Popaganda to describe his mash-up of cultural high and low touchstones. He is one of the most prolific and recognized Artist of our times. I have been a fan of his work for a number of years now. He is a master of his technique. His work is stunning and beautiful. I was very fortunate to have Ron answer some questions for me. I am proud to present Ron English in this week’s blog!

David: You are considered one of the fathers of Street Art. How did you start “liberating” billboards?

Ron: My uncle gave me a ladder for my high school graduation. Besides some paint, that’s all you really need.

David: I have many personal favorites you’ve done; I’d like to ask you about. So I’ll pick one, where did the idea of “Rabbbit” come from?

Ron: I have had this recurring dream for as long as I can remember. In the dream I go to this island where everyone has the double faced thing. I am the freak there. That is where the double faced obsession I have originated.

Ronnnie the Rabbbit is the pet of Orion the Obese Alien in the secret history of Fast Fat Food. All the characters have interlocking back stories, it’s like this alternative universe that’s almost like the real one but a little off, too real to be true.

David: I consider you one of my favorite Artists. You take cultural icons and make it into something new. How do you think your work will be remembered in future society?

Ron: Who knows. One of my parodies may replace the original in the cultural consciousness.

David: I’m always curious about what inspires other Artists work. What inspires you to create, and do you have a favorite you’ve done?

Ron: I am afraid if I kept all my ideas in my head I would go crazy. I also enjoy the process.

David: I’m not going to get you in trouble here, and this is hypothetical. If you could paint on one thing, let’s say Mount Rushmore. What or where would that be?

Ron: You mean like painting Kiss make up on the figures of Mount Rushmore? I would really like to paint a blimp to look like a realistic human eye. I would also like to paint a train to look like a coral snake. There is a bunch of stuff like that I would like to do. I need to get some people in my life that know how to raise money.

David: Okay last question, because I love asking this one. Do you have a favorite cartoon or comic strip?

Ron: I like Charlie Brown. I feel like I’m an adult version of him.

Thank you Ron for taking the time to answer a few questions! You are an amazing artist! And what a privilege to feature you here.

Ron English website can be found here for all the information you need:

I wanted to do a comic involving something about Ron English. This is my little “ode” to him.

Copyright David Hurley 2010

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Queenie:Pocket Full of Posiez

I am a HUGE fan of Queenie Pocket Full of Posiez! When I first became aware of Queenie, I had to know who she was. I wanted to know who was behind the fantastic Pocket full of Posiez creations!  I fell in love with her Art, Dolls, and U-stream show. And once you’ve seen her work, you will realize that she is REAL! She is honest and transparent and doesn’t put on any false persona. What a privilege it is to present an Artist, woman, and someone I call a friend! And if you think I’m putting her on a pedestal, I am!

Queenie Pocket Full of Posiez is the creator of Pocket Full of Posiez® and has been a staple on the LA spooky art scene for a number of years. You can find her most famous creations, the deadly cute Pocket Full of Posiez characters, in various merchandise stores from Hot Topic to many other eclectic stores worldwide such as Halloween Town in Burbank CA.


David: Queenie, I am a huge fan of your Artwork. You are the creator of Pocket Full of Posiez, can you tell me how you got started as an Artist?

Queenie: Thanks David! 😀  I suppose as with any artist, it all started as a tiny young one. As far back I can remember, being “creative” with anything and everything I could get my hands on was what I wanted to do. It didn’t look right unless I changed it in some way. When I was younger, I didn’t have the confidence to call myself an “artist”. I thought you only got that title if you actually sold something lol. I didn’t go to art school and I didn’t hang around other artists, so I just didn’t know how it worked. All I know is I wanted to create my own things. I made my own clothes in school, did things always my own way, and the whole time I didn’t realize that I was being an “artist”. 

David: I love the Characters you paint. What inspires you to create them?

Queenie: It’s a simple answer. I just paint what looks good to me in my head. I love vibrant colors and that really inspires me. I try not to look at other artists work. That may seem to sound like I’m being selfish in a way, but it really is self preservation for me. I used to compare myself to other people all the time and it did nothing but stop me from creating. I had to force myself to focus on my own little art world only to keep it fresh and original. The last thing I ever want is to have artwork that looks like another artist. There’s a fine line between influence and soaking in too much information from other artists. It tends to seep out into your own and it’s harder to be an individual.

David: Do you have a favorite painting/character, or one that’s close to your heart?

I love the Robot Lyllionia so much but I think that I really love the Pirate Lyllionia with the crow on her head. Lyllionia was my first doll and will always be my favorite. (editors note: I love Robot Lyllionia too!)

 David: How would you like your work to be known or remembered?

Queenie:”If” my work is remembered, I’d like it to have made someone smile, or chuckle.  

 David: Here’s a fun one; do you have a favorite cartoon or comic strip?

Queenie: I used to come straight home from school and read the comics! My favorite of all time was a little comic called The Quigmans. That was SO funny! I still have one of the squares I cut out from the paper 20 years ago hanging on my fridge. Its 2 boys playing jump rope with a flame. The mom is leaning out the window and she’s saying “I thought I told you boys not to play with fire” LOL that cracked me up and it still does every time I look at it

David: And one last question, what are your future goals with Pocket Full Of Posiez?

Queenie: The future is open to whatever happens. I will continue to paint when I can. As for merchandise, I want to be able to continue my line of dolls, make some more books, and so much more. The dolls are the most important to me and have been my dream since the beginning. There was a major set back after Panzy the Pirate was produced, but I’m not giving up and I am MORE than grateful that the fans haven’t given up. Trust me, I am a people pleasers and it’s really hard to promise them a new doll and it have to take this long to produce. Things happen in life that you can’t predict and I’m glad that everyone understands. 

Thank you so much for showing your work to us!

To find out more about Queenie and her Art check out: 

Queenie’s work are owned and copyright of Queenie Pocket Full of Posiez

Copyright David Hurley 2010

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Jim Kerr: Musical Passion

Jim Kerr: lead vocalist of Simple Minds and LostBoy! A.K.A. JimKerr. With a career spanning over thirty years in the music industry, what can be said of a prolific Artist who inspires millions of fans world-wide? One word comes to mind: PASSION! I personally am a follower of Simple Minds music, and the sheer passion that goes into their music is deserving of respect and admiration. I was more than fortunate to conduct a live interview with Jim via Facebook. I had the idea to do the interview live where Jim could answer my questions and have his fans join in the interview after his responses. Little did I know he was going to put ME on the spot and do it immediately! My adrenaline kicked in and I knew it was time to sink or swim! I am proud to share the interview with you, as he is a long time music hero of mine.

Interview was conducted September 8, 2010.

David: What do you feel is the Simple Minds greatest achievement?

Jim: The music itself is the greatest achievement. The concerts are next. The combination of  both when it results in having made people very happy, thrilled, inspired, or whatever other positive outcome gives us the biggest satisfaction. Especially at the end of a show and when you look out to so many contented faces. The satisfaction that comes with knowing you have given everything is humongous. As is the fortune that has come our way in allowing us this opportunity and the life that has gone with it!

David: You and Simple Minds are working on new music; can you give us an idea of what is happening in the studio?

Jim: 4 new songs are being recorded over these weeks! It’s an exciting time and a smart move to record at the end of a tour when the band is very tight and confident. It’s as though the musicians are playing without thinking, in the flow with it all. Makes it seem easy, it’s anything but. The songs themselves are all distinctive, classic Minds but also very now!

David: What keeps simple minds fresh with creativity?

Jim: We get easily bored I guess, especially with ourselves. 🙂 Making forward moves comes so naturally to us, who wants to stand still after all? Some fans would rather have us turning back, working with ex members and all that. I understand how exciting that would be for them. It would be anything but for me and Charlie who never want to live in the past – because you can’t after all! The past is the past! Some say yeah “But I was not born and I would love to see you do more old things etc!” I would love to see the Roman Empire too, but I was not born. 🙂

David: You have die-hard fans across the globe, I am one of those, what do you think makes your fans so passionate about your music?

Jim: I can’t answer that, they can! I am a fan of the music also and remember I live with it for months and years before I write lyrics and sing on it. Could only do it if I was enthralled by it. All down to the musicians and composers of course. This morning I was out and about when an idea we had from 8 years ago popped into my head. I came back to the hotel and looked it up on the lap top, it sounded fresh and vibrant, enough to have me working on it right at this moment!

David: With so much music being put out there, what do you think of today’s music? What is some of your favorites?

Jim: Plenty of good stuff, some great stuff, the gap between good and great is overwhelming. A lot of stuff sounds great, then you realize it’s not great itself, it just reminds you very much of something that truly was great. Then again what is good and great is a matter of taste and opinion! Charmed by The xx this morning – as a result of their Mercury Prize Award last night!

David: Thanks Jim for answering my questions! You are a true Legend!

Jim: I am not…I am a working Artist! Hard at it!

With that the interview concludes and I am overwhelmed with admiration of a true Artist! Visit  

copyright David Hurley 2010

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Stacey Fike

“Don’t Pick The Flowers” celebrated it’s one month anniversary on the internet last week, so we decided to have a contest on the Facebook Fanpage. The contest consisted of the first 5 people to say “Hello” on the newsfeed would have their name drawn randomly from the “bucket”. The winner would be placed on a blog on the website. One month may not seem like a long time but it was a small milestone for the comic that’s been in the years of making. And the winner was Stacey Fike. Here’s a little about Stacey:

Stacey: I try to make sure that every day of my life involves something creative. I love photography; I own Fike Fotos, which is slowly growing into a full-time job.  When I’m not buried in Photoshop I am elbow deep in paint and glue, making mixed-media pieces. My husband and I love to travel, especially if there are palm trees and beaches involved. I am a total internet junkie, I wish I had a pet, I thrive on chaos, and my niece and nephew are the coolest kids in the world.

David: What got you interested in photography?

Stacey: I have been with a camera ever since I can remember. Several years ago I got into scrapbooking and while mainstream scrapbooking wasn’t my scene, the artistic and photography side of it totally was.  My husband began to encourage me and he bought me my first DSLR several years ago. Soon after, as we sat in a bar in south Florida, discussing our futures, he said to me “I really think that camera is your ticket, you’re not an 8-5 person, you’ll never make it, and I think you have a knack for taking pictures”.  Ever since then it has been an amazing ride! 

David: What do you like most about being a photographer?

Stacey: I am a people watcher by nature, I love being behind the scenes and capturing people being themselves.  I love that with every new client I also make new friends.

3. David: If you could do a photo shoot of one person. Who would it be and why?

Stacey: You know that photo-shoot with Jim Morrison? Where he is shirtless and wearing the beaded necklace? I wish I had taken those pictures. I think they’re amazing.

4. David: I always like to ask this one. What is your favorite comic/cartoon?

Stacey: Wow. The Archie Comics. Growing up whenever I was sick my mom would always pick up an Archie comic book for me when she was getting my medicine from the pharmacy. We weren’t very well off so things like that were a huge treat and Archie made being sick so much better!

5. David: So what would you like to say to everyone out there reading this?

Stacey: Hire me to take your pictures!

Check out Stacey website ! And thanks Stacey for sharing here with us at Don’t Pick The Flowers!

copyright David Hurley 2010

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