I Miss You (03262018) Mar26 by David Hurley on March 26, 2018 at 12:01 am └ Tags: Cartoon, Comic, comics, David Hurley, Don't Pick the Flowers, Don't Pick the Flowers Comic, dontpicktheflowers, Humor, Jack-o-lantern, Pumpkin, Suzanne Related Comics ¬ SpringTime (With Mr and Ms Dear) 03202020 Blocking The View (05262017) Snowman Trilogy (01172024) Flight Out (08082021) The Endless Loop (04062015)
Halloween has come in the Spring,
That we find is a wonderful thing,
Otherwise we might get bored,
Cause we love our friend the gourd.:)
Well put, JP!
That is one well preserved jack-o-lantern!
He lives!
Even without any insides, he’s got a lot of heart!
The light shines bright!
Maybe the Great Pumpkin will show up for Easter this year.
That sounds like a plan!