Garden Hand (05172019) May17 by David Hurley on May 17, 2019 at 12:01 am Chapter: Comic └ Tags: Cartoon, Comic, comics, David Hurley, Don't Pick the Flowers, Don't Pick the Flowers Comic, dontpicktheflowers, Duck, Humor Related Comics ¬ Off the Leash (01062016) Bath For Two (06032024) That Moon (10142022) Tall As Can Be (08302023) Spidey Message (03022018)
A helping (monster) hand.
He will come in handy with the pumpkins!
I stand corrected. That WAS a helping hand.
He just gets a little grabby on occasion!
Duck knows a green thumb when he sees it…
And fingers!
Behind every great comic strip there is a big green handed person.
If I ever move, I could use a hand like that!