Decisions (07092018) Jul09 by David Hurley on July 9, 2018 at 12:01 am Chapter: Comic └ Tags: Cartoon, Comic, comics, David Hurley, Don't Pick the Flowers, Don't Pick the Flowers Comic, dontpicktheflowers, Humor, Suzanne, Vincent Related Comics ¬ Joining the Scare (07262017) Mudslide (05192014) Lullaby: Inspired by the Song Lullaby by The Cure (05292019) Veterans Day 2022 (11112022) Fire Hair (09272019)
Hair today, scarf tomorrow.
Ha, that’s a feather boa! 😉
Stepping out, in more ways than one.
Yes, exactly Binky! 😉
So that IS a feather boa.
Let’s hope Vincent doesn’t go on a sneezing fit. 😉
It’s pink day!
And a lot of hair gel!
In retrospect, I wonder if he feels that any of those decisions could be categorized as “good.”
Vincent will look back and laugh!