Autograph (01052022) Jan05 by David Hurley on January 5, 2022 at 12:07 am Chapter: Comic └ Tags: comics, David Hurley, Don't Pick the Flowers, Don't Pick the Flowers Comic, Elder Goth, Elusive Snow Werewolf, Genie, Genie Elder Goth, Humor, Jean, Jean Elder Goth Related Comics ¬ Ghost Bob (10162024) Mumble: Loosely Translated, Stay at Home (04152020) Groovy Bats (07112018) Christmas Spirit (12092015) Friday Night (08152014)
The Elusive Snow Werewolf has some devoted fans.
That is a beautiful winter sky background, David!
Not so elusive after all.
Some get lucky to see him!
I thought it was just a stray Samoyed