The Day After (04172017) Apr17 by David Hurley on April 17, 2017 at 12:01 am Chapter: Comic └ Tags: Cartoon, comics, David Hurley, Don't Pick the Flowers, Don't Pick the Flowers Comic, dontpicktheflowers, Goth, Humor, Suzanne Related Comics ¬ I’ll Take Those (01272021) I Feel It (04202016) My Planet (04262019) The Silhouette Returns (07102019) Daily Walk (04092018)
Not with chocolate Easter eggs.
That is true . . . but don’t forget to floss your canine teeth!
The kabuki twins appreciate a good hard boiled egg sandwich as much as the next guy, but they are also smart enough to shell the eggs first.
Unless you like them crunchy, Jerry!
Extra calcium
Which comes in handy!
More crunchin’ for your munchin’!
And who doesn’t love that!