Super-coincidence (04242015) Apr24 by David Hurley on April 24, 2015 at 12:01 am Chapter: Comic └ Tags: Black Cat, Coincidence, Comic, comics, David Hurley, Don't Pick the Flowers, Don't Pick the Flowers Comic, dontpicktheflowers, Goth Girl, Humor, superstition, Suzanne Related Comics ¬ Stress Level (04222016) Wrong Theatre (12182015) Don’t Be Late, It’s Halloween (10312014) Release the Bats (06032015) Space Flowers (08122016)
I can’;t really make out what the falluing thing is but I’m glad that superstition had nuthin’ to do with it
Not at all, and that’s a falling flower pot.
Yep. And how about you in 3…2….1……?
Kitty may become very superstitious of Suzanne!
There is something about that cat I really like.
Not the bad luck but the way it’s drawn.
Thank you Bill . . . fits right in with Suzanne.
The law of attraction at work… in a bad way.
Maybe someone is throwing flower pots from the sky,
Suzanne is one flower pot away from being superstitious.
Or is the cat?
Heads up!!!
Her umbrella would come in handy about now.
I imagine that black cat is quite used to this sort of thing happening.
The power of kitty!
She may be in super stitches!
Ha, very possible!
If the black cat hadn’t walked by, maybe Suzanne would have been conked on the head.
Distraction is always good!