Happy New Year (01012016) Jan01 by David Hurley on January 1, 2016 at 12:01 am Chapter: Comic └ Tags: Bat, Bats, Cartoon, Comic, comics, Don't Pick the Flowers, Don't Pick the Flowers Comic, dontpicktheflowers, Humor, New Year, Suzanne Related Comics ¬ Snowflake (12292023) Great Symbol of Halloween (10052015) Seaweed Salad (09092020) Window With A View (12302015) Moon Tired (09182019)
Happy New Year!!
Happy New Year, Mike!
I made a joke last night that in China it is the year of the bat. Then I found out that it’s actually going to be the year of the monkey. Just FYI. Happy New Year!
Happy New Year . . . Suzanne couldn’t handle the monkey’s. 😉
Oh no, she let the bats out!
Happy New Year, David!
Happy New Year, Binky!!
Looks like white is the new black in bat-wear this season
And here they come. 😉
May it be absolutely Batty David!
Happy New Year, Enrique!
Happy New Year, David! I hope this is a great year for us!
Happy New Year Mark, here’s to a New Year! As always, wishing you the best!! 🙂