Duck Feather (01052015) Jan05 by David Hurley on January 5, 2015 at 12:01 am Chapter: Comic └ Tags: Cartoon, Comic, comics, David Hurley, Don't Pick the Flowers, Duck, Humor, Malificent, New Year, science, Science experiment, Suzanne, Vincent Related Comics ¬ Too Early (12072015) Ear Ring (08072019) By the Light of the Moon (09222014) World Goth Day 2017 (05222017) Falling Leaf (09032014)
Duck soup?
Haha, of sorts yes. π
I wonder how long THIS New Year’s resolution will last? π
Hopefully it wears off soon, for Duck and Vincent’s sake! π
I agree with Gruhn. I thought Duck was gunna stay for dinner… as the main dish
Ha, but Suzanne would never eat Duck. π
Looks like her year is starting off Maleficently!
Suzanne is keeping the boys on their toes! π
A resolution potion solution?
That may require more feathers, Binky. π
That’s one serious resolution.
Claudia needs to get in on this, PJ. π
Ha, ha! I love the lightning in the window!
Thanks, Bill. π
That’s quite a tail! er, tale, uh . . .
Both! π
ouch a butt feather!
Duck wasn’t too happy, Mat. π