I can totally relate! My kids hate the idea of going back to school. But some of my students cannot wait to get back. I asked one kid why he wants to come back and he said it’s so boring at home.
As for me, I almost cried when my summer vacation ended this Monday. I’m typing this at school right now!
One year I was so excited about returning to school that I couldn’t sleep the night before. Most of the other years I just cried.
The same happened to me, but when I was at school, immediately regret my decision
Yep, regret is harsh Guillermo.
The crying would have been my experience, lol
I can totally relate! My kids hate the idea of going back to school. But some of my students cannot wait to get back. I asked one kid why he wants to come back and he said it’s so boring at home.
As for me, I almost cried when my summer vacation ended this Monday. I’m typing this at school right now!
Yes, many teachers love the vacation as much as the kids Joseph.
Maybe he thought it was sleep class.
He was making a very good grade too Binky!
Suzanne is a hall of learning monitor.
Maybe Suzanne should think of Law Enforcement in the future Mark.
Better than the halls of justice
Little Miss Judge Judy
Halls of learning aren’t all that they are cracked up to be
Next Suzanne sends them to the office.