Hahaha! I actually went to school today. First day back on the job. The whole day was boring meetings. I thought to myself, “I don’t belong here. I should be working on my comic!”
The day before the first day of school I enjoy going to the mall’s food court and look at all the teenagers and think to myself… “Tomorrow the mall will be all mine again!”
Thanks Bearman
When the cat is gone, the mice make a party, in this case Duck will make a huge one
He’s “taking those old records off the shelf”…possibly using iTunes
I’ll be right over, Duck!
Hahaha! I actually went to school today. First day back on the job. The whole day was boring meetings. I thought to myself, “I don’t belong here. I should be working on my comic!”
Duck would love to have you over Joseph!
And I feel that way myself, should be working on comics!
I sense Duck may not miss them all that much.
Maybe when it’s dinner time
Whew! I thought they would NEVER leave!
It’s going to be a fun school year for Duck!
The day before the first day of school I enjoy going to the mall’s food court and look at all the teenagers and think to myself… “Tomorrow the mall will be all mine again!”
Haha, solace again Bill!
I hope this is how my cat is when we leave him alone! Although it would be weird if he partied with a duck!
I can see Duck going into full blown seperation anxiety
Duck likes his “quiet” time.