Beggars can be connoisseurs!
A little flavor goes a long way Mark.
Everything’s better with butter!
And maybe a little salt
Unbuttered popcorn is barbaric!
It brings out the savage in Duck!
I can’t believe it’s not buttered!
Better than the substitutes!
Caramel for me
Ducks feathers would be stuck for days!
Duck is welcome to it. I hate popcorn. Love corn cooked as kernels or on the cob but just do’t pop it or I won’t eat it.
Oops forgot to change the name & email fields from Lenny back to me. Popcorn is probably a choking hazard for sock puppets. It gets stuck in their heel
Drats… Forgot to change it again.
Haha, it’s okay Lenny/Tony…Duck loves it, only with a little flavor.
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Beggars can be connoisseurs!
A little flavor goes a long way Mark.
Everything’s better with butter!
And maybe a little salt
Unbuttered popcorn is barbaric!
It brings out the savage in Duck!
I can’t believe it’s not buttered!
Better than the substitutes!
Caramel for me
Ducks feathers would be stuck for days!
Duck is welcome to it. I hate popcorn. Love corn cooked as kernels or on the cob but just do’t pop it or I won’t eat it.
Oops forgot to change the name & email fields from Lenny back to me. Popcorn is probably a choking hazard for sock puppets. It gets stuck in their heel
Drats… Forgot to change it again.
Haha, it’s okay Lenny/Tony…Duck loves it, only with a little flavor.