Landing Spot (09132021) Sep13 by David Hurley on September 13, 2021 at 12:01 am Chapter: Comic └ Tags: Cartoon, Claudia, Comic, comics, David Hurley, Don't Pick the Flowers, Don't Pick the Flowers Comic, dontpicktheflowers, Duck, Humor, Robot Bat, Suzanne Related Comics ¬ Picnic By Moonlight (06262024) Pirate Ships (30th Anniversary of Disintegration by The Cure, RS Solo, Extra): 12222019 Labor Day 2021 (09062021) Suzanne Melt (07192019) Some Mournings (too much Vitamin D)
I’d go with the bathat.
Definitely a good resting spot!
The duck had looks far more comfortable.
I think so!