Henry and James

Henry is a quite fellow. James is his sarcastic best friend who happens to be his pet dog. Henry is a bachelor that lives a routine simple life, while James rules the “roost” so to speak. I came up with the characters Henry and James a few years ago. At one point I thought about making them a comic strip of their own. I even thought of doing a one panel comic with them in it. But as the comic has gone through different phases in the making, I knew they were a part of the whole Flowerville world. So if you like coffee, reading the newspaper in the morning, biographies, taking your dog for a stroll, quite evenings, you will probably find something in common with Henry.

As the Characters are coming into the story I thought it would be good to do a small blog on Henry to keep you acquainted with him. I am also posting a couple of old drawing I did of Henry. This was from the beginning phase of Henry’s creation.

Copyright © David Hurley 2010

About David Hurley

as the creator of Don't Pick The Flowers...
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